- The representatives of the study, Dr. Francesc Borrull (URV) and Enric Rovira and Anna Blocks (Department of health) have wanted to know the opinion of the members of the Panel about the findings.
- The study concludes that none of the more than 100 compounds analysed exceeds the limits allowed. Members agree that the outcome of the study would be more useful if it contrasted against with other studies on the health of the country.
- The Panel presented its objectives for 2015 by the hand of his new facilitator Ignacio Fernández. They have presented 5 new members who are part of the expansion and renovation of the current Panel.
Dr. Francesc Borrull (URV) and Enric Rovira and Anna Blocks (Department of health) presented on 4 December 2014 the HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT study for exposure to VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS and POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS in the atmosphere of the CAMP DE TARRAGONA in one of the Public meetings of the Advisory Panel of the Dow.
The heads of the study wanted to know the opinion of the members of the Panel because they constitute a very representative of the environment in which it has conducted the study. The various profiles that make up the panelists are a great opportunity to evaluate the clarity of the study given the technical complexity of the same.
The presentation started Enric Rovira (Observatory of the health and environment of the Camp de Tarragona) contextualizing the study and enumerating the Collaborating entities of the same. Then Dr. Francesc Borrull (Faculty of chemistry, URV) explained the theoretical basis and techniques of the sample collection process and its treatment. We have analyzed more than 100 compounds, volatile both as particles in suspension. They have taken several samples per week in various towns chosen strategically in relation to the Chemical industrial area of Camp de Tarragona.
Then, Anna Blocks (Observatory of the health and environment of the Camp de Tarragona) has presented the conclusions in relation to the impact that these compounds may have on the health of the population. Although in the case of some particular compound there are tips that are not in the amounts recommended, the extracted results confirm that in no case exceed the limits established by the legislation.
In the subsequent discussion, some members of the Panel were to leave a record of their opinion, commenting that it would be interesting a comparison on the incidence of cases of cancer among the analysed area and other areas of the State that also have similar industrial facilities. Many members of the Panel were very satisfied with this study and have discussed the importance of continuing research on the subject.
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